At Plumbing & Heating Engineers, we provide a wide range of plumbing, heating, and gas services to homes in East Kent and beyond. Our expert engineers are dedicated to delivering top-quality solutions that meet the diverse needs and desires of our clients. From bathrooms to water softeners, we offer a comprehensive range of services to enhance your daily life. Whether you need a luxurious soak in the tub, an energizing shower, or a tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle, we're here to turn your vision into reality. With us, your bathroom becomes more than just a functional space - it becomes a reflection of your lifestyle, personality, and aspirations. Let us bring your dream bathroom to life, creating a haven of comfort, style, and functionality that you'll love coming home to.
The majority of reviewers praise Ash for his exceptional work, professionalism, and attention to detail.
One reviewer reports a negative experience due to Ash's failure to turn up for a scheduled appointment.